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Welcome to the Morgan County Circuit Clerk's Information Page
Ex Parte

Below are a few frequently asked questions with generalized answers about ex parte’s. For more information, you may read Missouri Statute, chapter 455.

What is an ex parte?

An ex parte is a temporary order of protection granted to the petitioner until hearing can be held.

Who can file for an ex parte?

Any adult or child who has been subject to abuse by a present or former adult family or household member, or who has been the victim of stalking, may seek relief. (The parent, guardian, or court-appointed special advocate needs to fill out the paper work for children.)

Where can I get the paperwork to file an ex parte?

You may pick up the necessary forms to file for an ex parte at:
• Morgan County Circuit Clerk’s Office

Our hours of operation are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday – Friday (except state holidays).

How much does it cost to file an ex parte?

An ex parte has no filing fee.

What is the process for getting an ex parte issued?

Once your paper work is filled out and turned in to the Circuit Clerk’s office, a judge will review your request. If your request is approved, you must return and pick up a copy of your order. You would then have to appear for a full hearing at a later date.


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