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Welcome to the Morgan County 911/Addressing Information Page

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a 911 Address?
It is your physical address where you live

Why do I need a 911 Address?
• For emergencies such as fire, ambulance, and police
• Any hookups such as phone, electric, cable, etc…
• To receive mail
(you also have to have a 911 Address to get a Post Office Box)

Any structure that is occupied, even campers and weekend homes must have a 911 address posted. This is for emergencies, whether you’re there or not, it may be a medical emergency or a wreck in front of your house. Emergency responders look for the address to quicken their response time. Every second counts!

How do I get my address?
If you need a new address for a new structure, it’s best to go to the 911 Addressing office and bring any map you may have for the most accurate location of your driveway. If you’re out of state or too far to drive to the office, we can sometimes get it figured out over the phone if you have good information about the location or a close neighbors name or address.

If you’re moving into a house that already has an address, even though you know what the address is, you need to call the 911 Addressing office to update your information to ensure your safety.

Where should I post my 911 Address?
If your house can be seen from the road, you can post your numbers on it using 3 inch letters. Or if your mailbox is right by your driveway, you can post your address on your mailbox on both sides.* If your mailbox is bunched at a different location with other mailboxes, you will have to post your numbers on a sign by your driveway so emergency responders or even delivery trucks can find you by looking for those numbers in addition to putting them on your mailbox. It’s also very helpful if you put your name on your mailbox too. If you don’t receive mail at your house, you can put any kind of a sign up as long as it is obvious that it belongs to your residence.
*To find out where to put your mailbox, you must contact the Post Office that would deliver your mail.

If you live on the Lake of the Ozarks and you have a boat dock, in addition to your house you also need to post your whole address (number and street name) on your dock where it is visible for the Water Patrol to see.
Talk to your neighbors and spread the word, you may help save a life!!!

If you notice that a road sign is missing, please call us so we can get it replaced. A missing road sign could delay response time for emergency vehicles. It could make a difference in saving someone’s life. If you ever see illegal or suspicious activity involving stealing a road sign please report it to the Morgan County Sheriff’s Office at 573-378-2453. Stealing signs is a crime and punishable with a fine and/or jail time


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