Application for Election Judges

Morgan County
Cathy Daniels, County Clerk

Date: ____________________________
Name: ___________________________________________________________
Social Security Number: ___________________________________________________________
Residence Address: ___________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________
Home Phone #:________________ Work Phone #:__________________

Applicant - Please answer the following questions yes or no

1. __________________ Are you a citizen of the United States?
2. __________________ Are you at least 18 years of age?
3. __________________ Are you a registered voter of Morgan County?
4. __________________ Can you understandingly read, speak, and write the English language?
5. __________________ What is your Political Party? (D-Democrat or R-Republican)
6. __________________ Do you have transportation?
7. __________________ Are you in well enough health that you can work from 5:30 a.m. until after 7:00 p.m.?
8. __________________ Would you be willing to work at any polling place in Morgan County no matter what the location? (We will try to place you close to your residence.)
I, _____________________________, do swear under penalty of perjury that the answers to all questions on this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and that I am qualified to be appointed as an Election Judge of Morgan County.


Signature of Applicant